Mini Part 5 - Translations

  • Due No due date
  • Points 0
  • Questions 6
  • Time Limit None


This section is about hearing you translate between English and Spanish. This shows us how strong each of your languages is and how you are able to reformulate (find a way to say things) from one language to another.

  • Once you begin the quiz, you will see sentences in Spanish. You will translate these out loud into English.
  • Then, you will see sentences in English. You will translate these out loud into Spanish.
  • You can only attempt each translation once. The first answer you give will be graded. 
  • After you say your answer, type "done" into the text box below the sentence before moving on to the next sentence.
  • This section is timed on the real entrance test - the mini version is not.

Here are some tips:

  • Take time to read and understand the whole sentence. Remember that you only get one attempt for each one.
  • Try to make your translation as natural-sounding as possible. Avoid word-for-word translations, which may sound funny.
  • After each translation, type "done" into the text box.
  • Click "next" to move onto the next sentence.

🟧 Click "Take the Quiz" when you are ready to start!

⏭️ After submitting the quiz, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Next" button on the bottom right to advance to the next part of the mini-test.